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Escape Room in Hindi & English (2017)

Escape Room in Hindi & English (2017)

Tyler receives an unusual board game as a gift from his girlfriend on his 30th birthday. When he and his friends play it, they realise that they get stuck in a series of shocking events. Six friends test their intelligence when an escape room they participate in takes a dark and twisted turn. Six friends test their intelligence when an escape room they participate in takes a dark and twisted turn. Escape Room is a 2017 horror/thriller movie directed by Will Wernick, and starring Evan Williams, Annabelle Stephenson, and Elisabeth Hower. For Tyler's 30th birthday, his girlfriend Christen gets him an unusual gift: admission to a mysterious escape room event. As they enter with four friends, they find themselves trapped in bizarre rooms where they must solve tricky puzzles in order to advance. But Christen has disappeared, and Tyler is shocked to see her on a video monitor, naked and trapped in a cage while the seconds count down. When the cruel game begins to turn deadly, he realizes they may not all escape with their lives.

Escape Room in Hindi & English (2017) 2

Escape Room in Hindi & English (2017)

4.2 out of 10

Tyler receives an unusual board game as a gift from his girlfriend on his 30th birthday. When he and his friends play it, they realise that they get stuck in a series of shocking events.

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